- 9 Mantic Walking Dead barriers
- 15 Mantic Walking Dead street scatter terrain
- 4 Acheson’s Creation barrel scatter terrain
- 4 Tiny Terrain barrels
- 6 Fireforge armored Russian infantry
- 4 Reaper Bones Sci-fi barrels
- 4 Mantic sci-fi crates
- 2 vending machines
- 2 garbage dumpsters
- Nolzer’s steel cage
- 2 Nolzer’s piles of chain
- 11 Mantic Walking Dead objective tokens
- 2 Mantic Walking Dead benches
- 10 West End Games 25mm Stormtroopers
- 1 Tiny Terrain small tree stump
- 4 Walking Dead small obstacles
- 6 Command Decision 15mm modern pickup trucks
- 3 Command Decision 15mm BTR-60
- 3 Command Decision 15mm BMP-1
- 3 Command Decision 15mm HMMWV
- 50 Command Decision 15mm modern British infantry
- 4 Nolzers Grics
- 3 Reaper Bones C’thons
- 4 Reaper Bones giant leaches
- 10 sci-fi crates
- 2 6mm tank garages
- 1 6mm office building
- 4 sci-fi cameras from Mantic
- 3 Acheson’s Creation scatter terrain
- 1 runestone treasure/POI marker
- 5 Reaper Bones rat swarms
- 7 28mm Raptors. Reaper Bones and Nolzurs
- 1 Nolzurs fountain and statue
- 11 sci-fi crates
- 2 Mantic sci-fi gate post thingys
- 10 more 25mm WEG Stormtroopers
Unfortunately nothing 🙁
- 100 Command Decision 15mm British Modern
- 48 GZG 15mm NSL troops
- 1 West Wind Kubelwagon
- 10 GZG 28mm NAC
- 17 28mm German Arty Crew
- 16 Dust Tactics tank obstacles
- 20 Starshiptroopers figures
- 8 Judge Dredd City Def figures
- 1 Prodos Exterminateur
- 11 28mm medievil children
- 12 Dust Tactics tank obstacles
- 3 15mm T55’s
- 3 15mm 222 armored cars
- 3 15mm 2.5ton w/guns
- 6 105mm guns plus 15 crew
- 10 Necromunda Palantine
- 56 Perry Plastics for T28
- 32 WA British Naps for T28
- 40 WG Pike & Shote for T28
- 8 kitbashed T28 skirmishers
- 2 28mm grave site terrain pieces
- 1 28mm campfire terrain piece
- 40 6mm troops
- 16 28mm Weeping Angel statues
- 17 25mm GZG NAC troops
- 11 Proxie Models security barriers
- 1 Resin campsite piece
- 6 RBJ minis pig faced orcs
- 4 Frostgrave Cultists
- 8 Reaper Bones scenic stone things
- 3 Midlam Miniatures halflings
- 4 Rebel Minis Cyberdogs
- 2 Rebel minis dogs
- 9 GZG 25mm NAC troops
- 28 Sedition Wars troops
- 8 Reaper Bones
- 42 Aliens miniatures
- 30 model kits
- 16 Kev Adams P’Orcs
Kickstarters Delivering in 2021 (Hopefully)
- Car wars: 18? cars
- Bones V: ?A butt load?
- Dead Through Time: 80 undead Vikings
- Midlam Miniatures Junior Townsfolk. 11 kids
- Kev Adams Old School Pig Orcs 13 Porcs.
- Ragnarok.