The week of March 22nd saw me finish up two different projects sitting around and making progress on a third. Well I’m almost done, I ran out of AK Interactive Ultra Matte and waiting on a back order to be filled.
I finished off the metal Combine Ogre minis from Steve Jackson Games. The last of the missile tanks are waiting for the Ultra Matte to come in, whenever that is. Now I need to get cracking on all the plastic minis I have from the Kickstarers. But first I’ll need more bases from Litko.

I had some Star Blazers models sitting around half painted from when I first picked up Two Hour Wargame’s 5150 Fighter Command. I don’t know anything about Star Blazers, other than the fact that Hobby Link Japan has some models that dwarf metal minis for a fraction of the price. $3-$9 each. I can, and did, pick up a fleet for a fraction of the cost of a metal fleet. They’re perfect for a fighter scale game to as smaller starships. I originally painted up these Silent Death minis from EM4 in a light blue scheme, and kept it going to the as yet named ‘Good Guys’.
I have painted up four frigates, what will be either a light destroyer or some sort of command frigate and a small ship that I will be using as a customs cutter or small in system defense ship.
I also knocked out another squad of Eisenkern. These guys were stalled at the base coat as I realized the pants were painted wrong. I corrected them and then continued with washing, drybrushing, and basing. The final rifle squad of the platoon is on the paint desk now along with the command squad.
Next week should be pretty good as I’ll have 13 Eisenkern and a batch of WWII Germans batch painted up pretty quick.